Clearing Agent

Another essential Vórtx service for your operation.

When making payments, agility and assertiveness make all the difference! To this end, the settlement agent is responsible for making the payment of financial events related to debt securities, investment funds and other operations.

Vórtx has authorization from the Central Bank of Brazil to issue electronic money, so the account opened at the institution in the name of the issuer or fund is a payment account, through which it is possible to carry out transactions related to operations and some related costs to CETIP/B3.

The automatic integration of Vórtx with the B3, Cetip, Selic, CIP and CBLC Clearinghouses brings agility and security to the settlement process. In addition, Vórtx has the seniority and capacity of the team to serve and satisfy the customer.

Given that the Companhia Brasileira de Liquidação e Custódia (CBLC) operates with strict deadlines and predetermined schedules - the so-called 'settlement cycle' - our competitive advantages lie in the use of technology and innovation to streamline the process and make payments and in the fast, senior and always on team.

We have had the support of Vórtx since the beginning of our activities. The clearing team is highly committed to helping the client and has a strong culture that values ​relationships.

My company has launched a new product on the market. As such, it was news to everyone involved, including Vortx. Although nobody had much knowledge about the product, Vórtx was always available to help us and to understand together all the bureaucracies.

The Fiduciary Agent and Clearing areas at Vórtx have very experienced people who are partners in their day-to-day activities. They make the operation much easier.

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Flowchart of a clearing

Issue new active registration at CETIP/B3

Investor pays for purchase through a distributor

Clearing Agent receives funds from CETIP/B3

Clearing Agent sends funds to the issuer through TED

